Though this many-many can be done with MERGE statement, it gives a message in the file saying “MERGE HAS ONE OR MORE DATA SETS WITH REPEATS OF BY VARIABLES” which means MANY-MANY merge has been performed using data step instead of proc sql.PROC SQL CREATE TABLE PVRSELECT PVR1.ID PVR1.NAME PVR2.ST_CODEFROM PVR1 PVR2WHERE PVR1.ID=PVR2.ID QUIT Have you create any CDISC dataI have created Cdisc Standard SDTM and ADaM datasets.What will you look at in log when doing mergeIf performing many to many merge I will look if any error occurs stating repeats of by variables.Or else will look at the total observations in datasets merged whether the merge occurred properly. How to read a excel file to a SAS datasetproc import datafile='C:\samp1.xls' out= Harshamanual dbms=excel run How to do many to many mergeMany-many merge can be performed using PROC SQL. What is difference between informat and formatA)Informat is used to read the variable from rawdata, where as format is used to print the data read in declared format.How to use macro, global or localAfter I have defined a macro I can invoke it by adding the percent sign prefix to its name like this: % macro name.How to create a bunch of similar tables just has different conditions apply to Endpoints of oncology studies have been done Pfs, Over all survival, Duration of response, Best confirmed response CR,PR,SD,PD. What plots have been done, what procedure used I have done plot for lab parameters, Ihave used Box plot. Or else will look at the total observations in datasets merged whether the merge occurred properly. What will you look at in log when doing merge If performing many to many merge I will look if any error occurs stating repeats of by variables. PROC SQL CREATE TABLE PVR SELECT PVR1.ID PVR1.NAME PVR2.ST_CODE FROM PVR1 PVR2 WHERE PVR1.ID=PVR2.ID QUIT Have you create any CDISC data I have created Cdisc Standard SDTM and ADaM datasets.

Though this many-many can be done with MERGE statement, it gives a message in the file saying “MERGE HAS ONE OR MORE DATA SETS WITH REPEATS OF BY VARIABLES” which means MANY-MANY merge has been performed using data step instead of proc sql. How to create a bunch of similar tables just has different conditions apply to How to read a excel file to a SAS dataset proc import datafile='C:\samp1.xls' out= Harshamanual dbms=excel run How to do many to many merge Many-many merge can be performed using PROC SQL. How to use macro, global or local After I have defined a macro I can invoke it by adding the percent sign prefix to its name like this: % macro name. Questions: Part1: What is difference between informat and format A)Informat is used to read the variable from rawdata, where as format is used to print the data read in declared format.