The Price mentioned here are subject to change as per the capacity,specifications and application of the user. Indian Make Reverse flow Viscometer to cover Viscosity range of 250 too 400 cost.This will cover the Viscosity range from 800 to 3200 poise. Indian Make Cannon Manning Vacuum Viscometer Tubes of Size 12 and 13 Supplied with manufacturers' calibration certificate, viscometer tube holder and silicone cork. Kinematic viscosity is the ratio of - absolute (or dynamic) viscosity to density - a quantity in which no force is involved.This method is manually tested and requires. Vacuum System, The system will consist of vacuum pump, moisture trap, vacuum regulator, bleed valve, all interconnecting tubing OR piping, and any other accessories as needed to complete the vacuum system. In China, capillary viscometer method is often used to test the kinematic viscosity of organic heat carriers.Silicone bath oil suitable up to 150 Degree Celsius to15 Liters.Constant Temperature Bath A suitable bath for immersion of 2 vacuum capillary viscometer tubes with a digital temperature controller.

Determination of Absolute and kinematic Viscosity with the following components: