Then tap Open in another app and select Minecraft. Documents will ask you to verify this change. zip extension (Map.mcworld, for example).

Once unzipped, open the map folder, and select all folders inside using the checkmark in the upper left corner of the screen.Documents will ask you for an unzip location.Once installed, open the Files app and tap your downloaded.This app will allow you to extract the zip file, and then compress it again with a. If you are already having the genuine edition of this game, you can download this latest minor update for free.Download: Documents for iOS (Free, in-app purchases) Whether you play the Bedrock edition or Java edition of this game, it does not matter. You can install this latest update on your gaming platforms for all editions of this game for free.

The latest update 1.17.2 is finally available and the Minecraft 1.17.2 Download process is simple. As we all know that some minor updates are pushed frequently after the release of a major update. This update version 1.17 brought a lot of major changes and a lot of fresh content in the game for all the players. Recently, the latest major Caves and Cliffs update of this game was released for all gaming platforms.

Minecraft is one of the most popular games that you can enjoy on various gaming platforms. One way is to simply download the game launcher, open the launcher, and purchase the game from the games official website. Minecraft 1.17.2 Download Process – Active Free Download Link Minecraft 1.17.2 Download Process – Active Free Download Link.